Quantum elements, sub-atomic realms, multiple universes, infinite concepts of variance....and how each relates to all things trans and queer can be found within the prose equation that is "---and Her Brain" the third edition. The entire zine has been placed in the more words section of this site.
A little campaign within the Gender EDGE initiative:
Its called WRITE TO LIVE and focuses on written expression as means of survival and militant empowerment for those within the gender variant and queer community.
There have been enough damaging words thrown forcefully against our communities, this time a new arsenal of verbiage is birthed and with enough strength social change, from the smallest daily instances to generational evolution, will follow.
write in zines, within articles, on walls, within unpublished volumes, on sidewalks, on your true skin, on someone else's, on tables and furniture, petitions and flyers --- express everything. Freedom from any gender conformity or close minded social standard is gained word by word --- TRANS, PROUD, PIST, and ALWAYS CREATING!
The WRITE TO LIVE campaign debuts with the first piece being based on how the York Daily Record in York County, PA perpetuated unfathomable bigotry by printing (over and over again) the systematic persecution of the gay male community. Read about the effects of this horrifying instance of published prejudice in the next "---and Her Brain" edition No.5.
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