Phila MOCA, 531 N. 12th St. (@ Spring Garden) ---Philadelphia, PA ---Sat. Nov. 5th, 2011 @ 8pm featuring Drums Like Machine Guns, +HIRS+, SGNLS, Cavale, EX. By V.
so it all happened and it was wonderfully amazing!!! thank you so much to all the bands and to everyone who came out and supported this show...beautiful evening indeed.......there will be so much more to come!
new images from this event added to the visuals section*
special thank you to Leila Wright for setting up a Gender EDGE reading @ Occupy Philly on 10/9, allowing many militant words to be spread freely through such a strong and beautiful environment of activism
and check out the Trans Genre Visual Voices project http://trans-genre.net/content/, I (leah b.) am putting together the zine aspect of this creation....contact me or Trans Genre if interested......submissions for the next "---and Her Brain" zine are being gathered as well........no real deadlines, no real guidelines, just an easy accessible way to express/display your creative work in any form! Through distribution it will all find new places and spaces throughout the mid-atlantic and northeastern regions.
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