Sunday, April 1, 2012

fighting back: a multi - tiered radical arts response

......and now it all moves fiercely forward. These damaging aspects have been allowed to thrive for far too long..... We ARE ENTIRELY FED UP with the daily harassment, discrimination, violence, and lack of public awareness that continues to affect our trans*/queer communities. Consistent bigotry and ignorance requires a consistent response. There is no need to wait here or shake hands here, hide here, or assimilate need to be proper here, no need to ask for permission here......our basic human rights have been fucked with for far too long! Its time to let the society around us know exactly what is contained within our minds. Let your emotion, your anger, your memories...your art..... find has a true home here within the Gender EDGE movement.

In addition to organizing and holding various shows/events....collective members are currently working on designs for a mass distribution of stickers/flyers/zines/other opinionated materials that will find as many public places as possible, specifically targeting areas of known continued harassment, violence.....and of course many many many gender confining/limiting bathrooms as well. This is the first phase. For now this will be completed within the PA, NJ, MD regions with some midwest / west coast locations thrown in there as well...... and any other spots our artists may get to while playing shows, touring, or expressing their art.

The next phase(s) will be planned at each quarterly event and will include more targeted locations, building/planning specific demonstrations, and any other radical arts actions we may conjure up. STRONG ART HAS THE ABILITY TO CHANGE DAMAGING THOUGHT PROCESSES. Its our time..... we're striking often as we can..... until the people in our communities get the basic treatment and rights that we deserve.

New members and allies are joining our collective/movement frequently.....if you would like to be a part of Gender EDGE and/or help with the responses aforementioned, just simply contact's that easy.

*** samples of distribution materials on the way
*** BALTIMORE QUARTERLY EVENT (art activism planning) APRIL 6TH, RED EMMA'S 7PM!!!
*** new images, various updates, and such are being completed on this site...thanks for reading and looking around!

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